CopyFile Action


Mods Studio 2 version: 2019.07 or newer

Written on: November 14th, 2019


CopyFile Action copies files from one location to another.


Parameter name Parameter type Supports variables Parameter description
Paths List of CopyPair parameters Yes This is the list of from/to pairs of paths to copy. See below for further explanations;


CopyPair Parameters

Parameter name Parameter type Supports variables Parameter description
From string Yes This is the path to the (source) file that you want to copy. If your path starts with backslash (\) the path will be relative to the TempModBuildDirectory, otherwise it will be relative to TemplateBaseFolder.
To string Yes This is the destination path where you want to copy your file. Destination path is always relative to TempModBuildDirectory.


Note: It's possible to copy multiple files using only one CopyPair if the From path is using a pattern notation or is a directory path, and the To path is a folder path.

Note: You need to manually create destination folders before you try to copy files into them.


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